Victoria Canoe
Club Kayaks & Booking |
Click this button to see a list of available club kayaks If you have been approved for self-booking, then this button is for you: Otherwise, read on. Please note you must be a current VCKC member in order to use club kayaks. If you are not a member, you can join online by clicking the JOIN US tab at the top of this page. All club kayaks are primarily for club paddles, events and courses. VCKC has eight kayaks that are available to members for courses and approved paddles and outings. All kayaks come with sprayskirt, paddle, pump and throw line. You will also require an approved PFD and whistle. These can be borrowed from the club, however, it is strongly recommended that you purchase your own. When not scheduled for club event use, these boats are available to members for personal use on the Gorge Waterway on the club side of the Tillicum Bridge. If you have Paddle Canada Kayak Basic Skills Certification you can use a club kayak only with a buddy paddler within the designated areas. If you have Paddle Canada Kayak Level 1 Certification, you can take out a club kayak solo in the approved areas. Remember, however, that it is always a good idea to paddle with a least one other person. If you have taken kayak skills courses that are equivalent to those offered by Paddle Canada Instructors, you must provide confirmation of such. If you have been paddling for years and not taken any courses, you can request the opportunity to demonstrate your wet exit and rescue skills and the requirement may be waived. Any decision by the member reviewing your skills will be final. If you are interested in borrowing a club kayak for a workshop or club paddle, please refresh yourself on the VCKC policies on the use of club equipment now before proceeding. Members wishing to borrow the club kayaks for club sponsored events off the Gorge will be responsible to arrange safe transportation to and from sites and to clean all equipment after use. Instructors and trip leaders may organize use of club kayaks, on an event by event basis based on the number of requests, for club paddles, classes and workshops at their convenience and discretion. Any damage or loss to borrowed equipment is the responsibility of the member. If this is your first time booking a kayak, or If you have been approved for self-booking, then this button is for you: | RECENT NEWS