Canoe Booking

All you need to know about booking a VCKC Club Canoe

When not scheduled for club events the club canoes are available to VCKC members for personal use on the Gorge Waterway or to participate in club sanctioned day trips.

Please check the club calendar to avoid booking during canoe courses, club daytrips or other club events before requesting a canoe.

To borrow a canoe, Members must have passed the RCABC Canoe Lakewater 1 or higher course.

Check out the canoes available here.

Please read and follow these guidelines:

  • Contact to register for booking privileges. You must have certification in Lakewater 1 - Basic Tandem skills or other equivalent course, or the authorization of the VCKC Canoe Program Director.
  • Always wear a PFD while paddling, it's the law!
  • Remember to dress for the weather and be prepared for an unexpected capsize with a change of clothes in a dry bag, or at the club house, or in your vehicle if paddling on the Gorge.
  • While paddling, please do not enter either Colquitz Creek or Craigflower Creek or pass under the Tillicum Bridge towards the inner harbour.
  • When you have finished paddling, clean the club equipment and return.
  • If any canoe or gear needs repair, please email;  you will not be asked to pay for the repairs if you were paddling responsibly – accidents happen.

Happy paddling!

If this is your first time booking a canoe, or
if you want to discuss your booking needs, or
if you want access for self-booking, then please click here:

Email Booking Coordinator

If you have been approved for self-booking, then this button is for you:

VCKC Booking Page

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